India Gorilla V4 Motorcycle Vasilatos By Ianis

India Gorilla V4 Concept Vehicle of Ianis Vasilatos prepared vast V4 motor is secured with cross section ventilation boards and old design style , numbered bottle , enormous fumes funnels , wearing driving position , the 32 - inch tires , wheel Hubless , substantial number of outside segments and chrome tube outline structure . Gorilla V4 Motorcycle India 's dream auto for a fantasy trip .

Cruisers India is a myth for some bike devotees , originators and riders . This is a configuration thought process Gorilla V4 Motorcycle India . This thought incorporates specialized arrangements got from the rich history of the Indian cruiser and the fate of new arrangements have characterized the idea . Taking into account American style retro look of the 60s , Gorilla V4 bike India is a mix of a bicycle and muscles with unobtrusive points of interest like the old visual apparatus set on both handgrips .

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